Tuesday 28 April 2009

An Efficient Artist in an Efficient Studio

The sun is shining and the car has been cleaned by yesterday's rain. I was sharp and decisive this morning. I think the boys knew their mother was an efficiency machine, and wouldn't budge from her plan of action for the day, and didn't involve being waylaid by useless discussions on how it wasn't their fault they are so tired and where is the blue folder and if it isn't where it was left last week it has been stolen. (By whom? The blue folder thief that keeps eluding the police from our house?). And so I am here in the studio.

Here is a list of what the artist has to do today.

  • Jesus on the Tube. Chase clients photos she still hasn't sent
  • Book a removal van for Sunday to move daughter to Brighton
  • Find out about bed and breakfasts in Durham for Maddy's wedding
  • Call local artist about the Open Doors exhibition we are both doing
  • Hide the new Bill Bryson book that just arrived from Amazon so I don't Just Read One Chapter and only stop when I find it is tomorrow morning. I love Bill Bryson.
  • Finish the angel for the Open Doors
  • Arrange to collect some paintings back from lovely Cate's business centre in London

That is enough for an Efficiency Machine. At 2.40 I collect 15 year old and take him to College to complete some work (blue folder in my bag, it was on the table alone and obvious where he left it) and at 4.30 I collect 12 year old son and we all come home and they eat. A lot.

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